About Cataract
Surgery is usually the best therapy option when a cataract is identified. When the patient's vision has deteriorated to the point that it causes significant difficulties in his everyday life. In that case, patients have the option of undergoing surgical correction (no longer is it required for the cataract to become mature). The following surgical procedures are performed to treat cataracts (only well-known standard procedures are on the list):
- Robotic Cataract Surgery & ZEPTO.
- Phacoemulsification with IOLs that can be folded
- Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) with Implantation of an Intra-ocular Lens (IOL)
- Conventional surgery, such as Extracapsular Cataract Surgery (ECCE), is almost no longer used.
Reasons for Cataracts
In elderly age, cataracts can be created by the normal ageing process. Still, at a younger age, they can be caused by various factors, including eye disorders such as uveitis, diabetes, inheritance, damage, radiation exposure, infections, and many more.

Cataract-Related Symptoms
The most typical cataract symptoms are:
- A vision that is hazy or unclear
- Problems with the lighting, like glare from lamps or the sun, headlights that are too bright at night, or a halo or haze around the lights.
- The colours of vision seem to be dull.
- Frequent change in power of spectacles.
- Always having to adjust either your glasses or your contact lenses
Varieties of Cataract
The most typical cataract symptoms are:
- Cataracts are often a sign of ageing.
- Some children get cataracts when they are young, while most people get them when they are older. Most of the time, both eyes are effected.
- Some health problems, like diabetes, make cataracts more likely to form cataract in the eyes. Steroid use has been linked to cataracts in some people.
- Cataracts could form due to injuries of the eye right away or years later.
Cataract Diagnosis
The following are often part of a comprehensive eye test:
- This eye chart evaluates your visual acuity at several distances.
- Eyedrops are used to make the pupil bigger, which lets us look at a bigger part of the retina for signs that it might be sick. This lets us find and treat a wider range of eye problems.
- Tonometry is a common way to measure the pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma is a condition that can happen when the pressure inside the eye is too high.
- Ultrasound, which is also called biometry, can be used to measure how strong the implanted lens is. For a final diagnosis and to determine if the person is a good candidate for cataract surgery, it may be necessary to do more tests on their eyes and bodies.
Technologies used by Dr. Harish Gupta, Dr. Rajat Gupta and Dr. Malvika Gupta at Manav Hospital
- MICS - Micro Incision Cataract Surgery
- ZEPTO-Assisted Cataract Surgery
- FEMTO Incision Cataract Surgery
- TORIC Multifocal Cataract Surgery FOR Freedom from Glasses
- EDOF Lens FOR Freedom FROM Distance AND Intermediate Vision
Equipment availability at Manav Hospital
The following are often part of a comprehensive eye treatment:
- Alcon Infinity Machine FOR MICS
- Jhonson And Jhonson Femto Laser for Corneal Incision
- Laureate Alcon Machine for Cataract Surgery
- ZEPTO Capsulotomy Device for Precise Results
- Takagi Zoom microscopes 2 nos for Cataract Surgery
- Carl ZEISS MIcroscope for Cataract Surgery