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Oculoplasty & Cosmetic Enhancement

Oculoplasty, commonly referred to as ocular plastic surgery, is surgery performed on the eye and its surrounding tissues. The following problems may be treated using oculoplastic surgery to enhance function, comfort, and appearance:

  • Problems with Tear Drainage
  • Malposed Eyelids
  • Skin Cancers of the Eyelid
  • Planetary Problems (eye socket)
  • Problematic Eyebrows

Most of the time, oculoplastic surgery is recommended for medical disorders relating to the eyes and for improving the eyes' aesthetic look and their surrounding regions.

Oculoplastic Cosmetic Surgeon

Who Should Consider Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery?

Although Senior Surgeon Dr. Harish Gupta with his vast occuplasty expereince is the best doctor to determine whether you need oculoplastic surgery, the following signs may indicate that you need the procedure:

  1. The Excessive fluttering of the eyelids
  2. Eyelids that are drooping (Ptosis)
  3. Speedy blinking of the eyes
  4. Around the eyes, there are wrinkles, scars, or creases.
  5. Tearing in or out of the eyelids (Entropion/Ectropion).
  6. Congested Tear Ducts (NLD Block)
  7. Eye tumours developing inside or around the eye
  8. Blepharoplasty or eyelids with excessive fat
  9. Bulging Eyes
  10. The lack of an eye.
  11. Orbit Tumors
  12. Eye irritations
Consider Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery
Procedures done by Dr. Harish Gupta and Dr. Malvika Gupta at Manav Hospital
  1. Treatment of squint and ocular deviation
  2. Treatment of Dacryocystitis
  3. DCR surgery
  4. DCT surgery
  5. DCR surgery with stent
  6. ORBIT surgery and reconstruction
  7. Treatment of orbital tumours
  8. Chalazion and cyst excision surgery
  9. Treatment of ocular burns and acid injuries
  10. Repair of canaliculi after accident and damage


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